HPD Registration Info

If you are ready to register, congratulations and welcome to
6th Gear’s “High Performance Driver” Registration Instructions.

1) Please send an email to jamie@6thgear.ca and put “6th Gear HPD” in subject line.

2) Please copy and paste the following 5 statements into the body of the email indicating you agree with each of these statements:

I am aware I need to provide my own vehicle.

I am aware my vehicle must be mechanically fit.

I am aware I must be physically fit.

I am aware I will need to sign the track waiver upon entry.

I have read and understand the terms and conditions on 6h Gear’s website.

3) Be sure to include your name and phone number.

4) Once we have received your email,
we will call you on the number provided
above to
finalize your registration and answer questions you may have.

5.) Please review the HPD Terms & Conditions page.

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